
Name: Ira Lindsey Walks
Born: Crow Agency, Montana
Favorite Food: Indian Tacos
Favorite Movie: Walter Mitty
Indian Name: Goes to the Mountain
Who is my Hero: My Wife Beverly. I think we met at the right time in life. We were both searching for something or someone to get our life on track. Here we are doing what we love.
Hobbies: Playing the guitar, creating beadwork, Dancing, and working out in nature.

Name: Beverly Hess
Born: Plymouth, Utah
Favorite Food: Deep Fried Shrimp
Favorite Movie: Dances with Wolves
Indian name: Bisshiila annuusua (where they lay the yellow blanket)
Who is my Hero: My Mom Beverly!! The Best Lady in the world! So strong to take care of everyone, Best Cook, Homemade Bread, Yummy. I do miss her so!!
Hobbies: The great outdoors, sewing, doing beadwork, playing with the grandkids, and making plans for our future with Ira!!!
When I was a child I would sit at the window and look up at Plymouth Peak and think to myself that the tree's along the skyline were Indians on Horses and look who came to rescue me, Ira!!! He has changed my life in so many ways!!!


Elk River Crossing Tipi Camping
Elk River Crossing Tipi Camping was created March 2022. We have talked about opening this campground for a few years and it has finally all come together.
Ira grew up in St. Xavier Montana roaming the Mountains of the Big Horn Mountains loving the great outdoors, animals, attending Pow Wows and love for Family. Beverly grew up in Plymouth Utah. The valley there brought great beauty but eventually learned to love Montana and Yellowstone National Park. We meet in the summer of 1999. Moved to Utah to start a new life. We team drove an 18-wheeler and traveled to every state but Vermont. In 2002 we established our Native American Products called High Star Creations. We traveled to Pow Wow’s, festivals and craft shows getting to meet many wonderful people. We settled down in Pocatello Idaho but out Love for Montana kept calling us. We started looking for some land and this is where we ended up. Our love for the great outdoors, this valley, Sleeping Giant, Crazy Mountains and Livingston MT we decided to embark on opening our Tipi campground. This is also the spot where the Crow Tribe used to gather on the Yellowstone River, previously known as Elk River, that is where we came up with the name for our Tipi campground.
We offer an Authentic Tipi living in our campground. Letting you experience the way the Crow Nation (Apsaalooke) (Children of the Large-Beaked Bird), is here for you to experience. Join us for Native American Indian’s lived years ago right in this exact valley. The Crow Tribe is descendance of this land right here. We never thought that we would be where we are today, getting to share all of this with you. This has been our dream come true putting this altogether.
Ira and Beverly
Ira and Beverly